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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My First Love

You were my first love. 
In times of distress, you have always been there. 
Others have left you for bigger, newer, faster things.
They change, yet you, you remain the same. 
You comfort me. 
I love your smell. 
The way you feel. 
The front of you.
The back of you. 
The inside, or essence, of you
keeps me effortlessly entertained. 
What would I have done without you all these years?
You helped me escape
when times were rough. 
You created worlds with me.
Those worlds will forever belong to only us. 
I shall not leave you behind 
as others have.
You have been my most consistent companion. 
You have made me feel different emotions
from elation to depression. 
And yet, I thank you for that. 
No matter what happens, 
no matter what becomes
in this world.
I shall remain with you,
My first love,
the written word-
My first love. 


  1. Lovely sentiments, beautiful arrangement. Surprise ending. Very nice!

  2. It seems you have or have had a beautiful love affair with Written Words.
    I pray your intreset be kindled!


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